From PSU To “I Do”
“Flowers are like friends, they bring color to your world.”
While attending college at Penn State for Agriculture, one of my minors was Equine Science. I’m not from a farm family, and sometimes felt a little out of place compared to those who were. One day in 2009, the professor in my new equine course told us to pair up with someone for an upcoming project. Panic set in as I quickly looked around the room for a partner. A few of the students knew each other already and quickly paired up, but then I saw Jamie and hurriedly asked “do you want to be friends”! She agreed, and the rest is history….
We learned we shared many interests besides horses, including our favorite musician Miranda Lambert. We went on to see Miranda in concert many times, attended county fairs, and spent time in the PSU Dairy Barns where I’d help Jamie with calf watch. We were partners in crime when we got old enough to go to bars, even had fake names (Becky and Julie) for unwanted suitors. We rode horses at her family farm while home on breaks, enjoyed fine dining on cheese balls and margaritas, kayaked in the summers, and the list goes on and on. We graduated in 2010 and have maintained a constant friendship ever since.
In 2018 Jamie received a “hey, how’s it going” message from a cattle farmer named Pierce that she knew from the agriculture industry. Her response - “oh, its going”… so welcoming. That didn’t deter Pierce, they ended up going on a first date… to a cattle auction, go figure! This relationship was different and they knew early on that it was something special. Before long they were making plans to be married in February 2023 and I was honored to be asked to do their wedding flowers and attend their special day. I would wish the newly wed Willsons a happy marriage, but they don’t need it, they already have what most people search for their entire lives. There’s nothing better than seeing your best friend have the love she deserves.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Willsons!

Photo Credit: AP Photography